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Scholarly Literature & Data interlinking.

Follow the research path of publications and data, authors, institutions, and so much more.

ScholeXplorer is a service that accepts scholarly works metadata information, about publications-data or data-data links, from validated sources.

It enables building and clearing of deduplicated information on the OpenAIRE Graph and provides access to it.


ScholeXplorer is OpenAIRE's Scholix hub.

Back in 2016, OpenAIRE worked closely with the Research Data Alliance (RDA) and the International Council for Science World Data System (ICSU-WDS) to create Scholix. The vision was to create a universal interlinking service and thereby, a multi-hub interoperability framework. Hubs are (existing) services that collect and aggregate information about links from their respective communities. The framework respects existing community-specific practices while enabling interoperability among the hubs by specifying a common information model and open exchange protocols. In 2023, the Scholix WG work was combined with the Open Science Graphs Interest Group (OSG IG).

ScholeXplorer in numbers


Scholix Relationships

ScholeXplorer provides relationships in Scholix metadata format between 40M datasets and 24M publications.


Unique Identifier

ScholeXplorer resolves metadata related to different persistent identifier.


Data Sources

Publications, research data, software, and other research products are aggregated and uploaded to the OpenAIRE Graph via trusted sources.


Relationships growth

From December 2021 to June 2023.


Deduplicated publications


Deduplicated datasets


Publication-Dataset links


Relationship-Software links


Dataset links

Why ScholeXplorer.

Every research object possesses hundreds of metadata  information. To enable scholarly works discovery, analysis, management of data, it is necessary to connect and relate, metadata among publications, datasets and other research products. Therefore, populate and enable the creation of a rich graph network with all interconnections and relations.

Interconnection among publications-datasets-other research products
Metadata information is collected and mapped between a source and target object. The process repeats for all research objects.
Deduplication of metadata
ScholExplorer metadata information benefits the OpenAIRE Graph metadata deduplication.

How to benefit from ScholeXplorer.


Content Providers

Validate your content and connect.

Collection of information

Scholarly Publishers

Establish links between articles and datasets.

Aggregation and collection

Open Science Aggregators

Get consistent metadata information.

Case Studies.

Read about real cases where metadata information from validated sources is interlinked.

PROVIDE your content.

Interlink scholarly works metadata.